Mr Cedric Poleman – Headmaster
Mrs Yumna Cunningham – Chairperson (Parent Representative)
Mr Zaid Samaai – Treasurer (Parent Representative)
Miss Chelsie Rowbotham – Secretary (Educator Representative)
Mr Luke Centurier-Harris – Parent Representative
Dr Lindy Dickson-Hall – Parent Representative
Dr Rebecca Tadokera – Parent Representative
Mr Dean Oosterwyk – Educator Representative
Mr Allen Gerber – Non-Educator Representative
Mr Grantley Rhode – Deputy Headmaster: co-opted
We continue to drive change while maintaining our traditional values and implementing our newer values: innovation, excellence, growth and relevance.
We continued to drive change, while maintaining our traditional values and implementing our newer values: innovation, excellence, growth and relevance. Some of the results of these efforts are self-evident, whilst other improvements and innovations are less obvious and continue to be worked on in the background. Improving any institution takes time and we are certain the fruits of our labour are clear for all to see.
The most notable improvements are visible for all as you walk past our sports fields. We have sparkling new, world-class swimming pools and a new, modern sports pavilion.
One of the more exciting additions is the school’s purchasing of Glebe Cottage. Glebe Cottage is the original birthplace of our Boys’ Schools in 1841. To quote Mr Poleman: “The addition of this piece of WBJS history will reconnect our vibrant, modern school with our deepest roots in the historic Wynberg community.” I could not agree more.
Furthermore, a renewed focus on teacher training has yielded many new ideas on how to keep education relevant in the ever-changing world we live in. The fourth industrial revolution has the potential to significantly disrupt the fabric of our society and we need to educate and train our boys to have the necessary skillset and character traits to thrive in this new and exciting future they will inherit. Our teachers are now Google-certified and delegations have attended EduTech conferences over the last few years, bringing back new ideas of how to integrate technology into education. We are confident that we can look forward to Wynberg becoming the premier school for using technology to enrich the educational experience for boys, teachers and parents.
The SGB, management staff and teachers have also been working on strengthening ties with Wynberg Boys’ High School and our Parents’ Association continues to do a tremendous job in building, supporting and enhancing the WBJS community.
Finally, as an SGB, we endeavour to strike a balance between continual improvements while maintaining our traditional approach to educating boys. This is a major reason Wynberg Boys’ Junior School continues to be a school of choice and why parents send their sons to our school. Character, discipline and involvement in the school activities, from both boys and parents, will be a major focus to ensure that when a boy leaves WBJS, he is ready to take his place at the high school and on leaving there, ready to take his place as a leader, shaping the new South Africa of which we all dream.
The collaborative efforts of each and every member of our diverse community are much appreciated and the effect of all of their hard work will be part of the fabric of the school for decades to come.
Supera Moras Makes Us One.
The School Governing Body